#1 Countess Vilma Hugonnai de Szentgyorgy

It all started like that: We were sitting somewhere and chatting. Suddenly, a simple question came up: Could you name 10 important women in hungarian history? I must admit, it wasnt easy. Even if our history is abound with outstanding women. So this project began, during 52 weeks, introducing 52 women, who you must know. Briefly, in 2-3 minutes, in two languages.

Persistent people could bring us faith and power to carry on in these challenging days. We pay tribute to all the healthcare workers for their willpower with our first Woman, Vilma Huggonai, the first female medical doctor of Hungary.

Countess Vilma Hugonnai de Szentgyorgy
(Nagyteteny, 1847. september 30. Budapest, Kobanya, 1922. march 25. )
the first hungarian female medical doctor.

3 things you have to know about her:

  1. The first Hungarian female medical doctor, who graduated at the University of Zurich in 1879
  2. a prominent figure womens education in Hungary, one of the teachers of National Women’s Training Association
  3. a vanguard of gender equality, her 2 important texts: Womens movement in Hungary, Women as family doctor.

3 reasons why we look up to her:

  1. At the age of 34, she was second in Hungary to qualify in Matura. She started the university without any financial help, based only on her own merits. She sold most of her jewellery to finance her initial studies. She was doing so well that during her 3rd grade she was already taken into work at the local clinic.
  2. after receiving her degree and then returning to Hungary she fought for almost 20 years in order to be naturalised. By the time she succeeded in 1897, she was already 50 years old.
  3. she often cured poor patients free of charge

3 interesting facts:

  1. She learned about the opportunity to study at the University of Zurich from Jokais Hon. She was the second one. Not to mention: The first woman who applied and has been accepted was the russian Nadezhda Suslova.
  2. her first male patient later became her second husband, Vince Wartha chemist-scholar
  3. Already 67 in 1914 she completed an extension course and became a military surgeon

Want to read more?



Art work: Powder Power – https://www.facebook.com/powderpwr

Grammar revision: tanulós-beszélgetős – https://www.tanulos-beszelgetos.hu/

Text and story: Holistic History – https://www.facebook.com/holistichistoryapproach

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Cseh Ádám vagyok, történelemimádó, történészhallgató, vállalkozó. A Holistic History alapítója. Az 52 magyar nő gondolata egy baráti beszélgetéssel indult: fel tudsz sorolni 10 híres magyar nőt? Megküzdöttünk vele. Pedig a történelmünk bővelkedik kiemelkedő Nőkben. Ezzel kezdetét vette a projekt, mely 52 héten át, 52 nőt mutat be, akiket ismerned kell. Kellemes időtöltést kívánok hozzá!

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