#11 Kató Lomb: Hungarian interpreter, translator and one of the first simultaneous interpreters in the world

Whole worlds open up before us if we speak even one language in addition to our mother tongue. It connects us, creates new opportunities, makes us free, refreshes our thinking and makes us more open. For us, the most important value above all is freedom. The intellectual and spiritual freedom that we can enjoy anywhere if we have the courage and will to learn languages. This value is conveyed to us by Kató Lomb, our next role model.

Kató Lomb
(Pécs, 08.02.1909 – Budapest, 09.06.2003)
Hungarian interpreter, translator and one of the first simultaneous interpreters in the world

3 x 3 about Kató Lomb:

3 serious facts:

  1. She interpreted literature in nine to ten languages, translated literature and read fiction in six languages, and understood an additional 7-8 languages.
  2. She preferred to call herself a “linguist,” referring to someone who, for practical purposes, acquires several languages to satisfy her interests.
  3. She learned most languages in a self-taught way. As an interpreter, he toured all five continents, visiting forty countries around the world.

3 reasons why we look up to her:

  1. Her key word was above all interest, which motivated her desire to learn.
  2. She did not allow mistakes, failures, or the relentless need for perfection to deter her from using a language.
  3. She believed that the stronger the motivation in us and the more we can set aside our inhibitions, the sooner we can master the language.

3 juicy facts:

  1. Her key word was context: she never learned words on their own, in isolation, but on the basis of the context of the text she read.
  2. She always chose a reading that really interested her and explained the peculiarities of the language through it.
  3. What she always asked herself to definy the purpose: “How interested I am? What do I want with this? What does this mean for me? What good is that to me? ”

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