#8 Teréz Brunszvik: Hungarian countess, pedagogue, founder of nursery schools in Hungary

Teréz Brunszvik
(Bratislava, 27 July 1775 – Duka, 23 September 1861)
Hungarian countess, pedagogue, founder of nursery schools in Hungary

3 x 3 about Teréz Brunszvik:

3 serious facts:

  1. She was the founder of the very first nursery school (or “infant school” as they call it) in the Habsburg Monarchy and Eastern Europe: the Angel Garden Nursery on July 1, 1828.
  2. In 1829, she established a school to help servants. Since they were among the less fortunate in society, she wanted to give house maids access to education.
  3. In the 1840s, she travelled around Europe with her niece, Blanka Teleki to gain further insight into the education of children and women. They visited all the significant educational institutions from Italy to Germany.

3 reasons why we look up to her:

  1. Teréz was among the first to raise awareness of the importance of educating children under 6 years of age.
  2. During her lifetime she founded some 80 nurseries which she financed herself, and she ended up giving almost all her wealth to this cause.
  3. She was an excellent pianist, could draw and paint very well, recited poetry, and even wrote her own poems in German.

3 juicy facts:

  1. Her godmother was the Empress Maria Theresa.
  2. She cultivated an intimate friendship with Beethoven.
  3. At the age of 34, while in Italy, she had a profound experience that changed her life. In her diary, she called it a spiritual awakening, and it inspired her to dedicate her whole life to public service and education as a spiritual mother to all.

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