#4 Saint Margaret of Scotland: Scottish Queen coming from Hungary

Saint Margaret of Scotland
(June 10, 1047. Nádasd, Kingdom of Hungary – November 16, 1093. Edinburgh, Scotland) Scottish Queen coming from Hungary

Why haven’t I known anything about her so far? Her life is so fascinating that it could even be made into a blockbuster movie or a bestseller book. While I was reading about her life all I could think of was “WOW!”. Her life and faith had a bigger impact on Scotland than anyone could ever imagine. She was a holy role model for people of her age when still alive. Her humble personality and religious beliefs were widely respected. Margaret showed us how gentle forces can also be the base of a realm, not only armed ones… Let’s get to know our next role model, Saint Margaret of Scotland!

3 x 3 about Saint Margaret of Scotland:

3 serious facts:

  1. As the second wife of Malcolm III she was a great influence all over Scotland in the early middle ages. However, her religious work is what’s most outstanding of all. She introduced roman catholic liturgy-based christanity to Scotland.
  2. Her father, Edward the Exile made it to the Hungarian Kingdom, to the royal court of Steven I. He spent 30-40 years in Hungary and married Agatha, who is considered to be either Saint Steven’s daughter or sister. The fruit of their love is Margaret.
  3. The born and raised Hungarian Queen had been worshiped as a saint from the very beginning, which eventually realized in 1261, when she was canonized by Pope Vincent IV.

3 reasons why we look up to her:

  1. Her husband managed to give up on his barbaric behaviour because of her. All the people surrounding Margaret changed their lifestyles. Her husband respected her religiousness and humble modesty so much that he had all her prayer books covered in gold and silver.
  2. Margaret had her own tough creed. She believed, even though we were all guilty spirits, if someone confessed, regretted their sins, made amends and had true faith deserved to be forgiven based on the Bible. She stood up for her belief in the synod initiated by her.
  3. The folk of Scotland respected and loved Queen Margaret who built churches and abbeys, who helped all the people desperately in need.

3 juicy facts:

  1. Margaret became the mother of all English queens through her daughter, Matilda, marrying Henry I of England, son of William the Conqueror. The modern English Monarchy can trace back her blood contacts to Hungarian Saint Steve and the anglo-saxon kings of the middle ages through Margaret!
  2. Her chapel is one of the most precious monuments of the Castle of Edinburgh.
  3. The remains of Margaret and Malcolm were rescued and transferred to Spain during the times of Reformation. They now rest in San Lorenzo de El Escorial.

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